The top dead center of the first cylinder in the compression stroke is set when the camshaft drive belt is removed

To complete the task, you will need tools: fixtures for fixing the crankshaft and camshafts, a socket wrench for 10, ring wrenches or sockets for 8, 13, 18

We prepare the car and install it on a lift or an inspection ditch

Disconnect the negative battery terminal

Remove the decorative engine cover

Remove the cylinder head cover

Remove the right front wheel

Remove the engine mudguard

Remove the right front fender liner

We have reviewed all these works in previous articles

Put the transmission in neutral

How to set the TDC of the first cylinder of the Mazda 6 engine

We turn the engine crankshaft by the bolt of its fastening of the pulley so that the hole in the crankshaft pulley by about 45º does not reach the threaded hole in the timing cover, and the valve cams of the first cylinder are directed upward

How to set the TDC of the first cylinder of the Mazda 6 engine

How to set the TDC of the first cylinder of the Mazda 6 engine

Loosen the tightening and remove the plug located in front of the cylinder block on the right

How to set the TDC of the first cylinder of the Mazda 6 engine

We screw in the fixing rod (device M10x1.5)

How to set the TDC of the first cylinder of the Mazda 6 engine

In the figure, a tool for installing the crankshaft at TDC of the compression stroke

How to set the TDC of the first cylinder of the Mazda 6 engine

Carefully turn the crankshaft by the bolt securing its pulley until the shaft stops with the locking rod.

In this position, the end of the crankshaft counterweight rests against the pin of the locking tool

How to set the TDC of the first cylinder of the Mazda 6 engine

Install the fixing plate in the special grooves at the rear of the camshafts

If the device was installed without difficulty, the piston of the first cylinder is at TDC of the compression stroke and the initial setting of the valve timing is correct

If the device could not be installed (the valve timing is shifted), we adjust the drive of the gas distribution mechanism, for this:

How to set the TDC of the first cylinder of the Mazda 6 engine

Loosen the bolts of the camshaft sprockets without unscrewing the bolts completely

Install the fixing plate in the special grooves at the rear of the camshafts

How to set the TDC of the first cylinder of the Mazda 6 engine

And tighten the bolts of the camshaft sprockets, holding the shafts by the hexagon

Remove the fixing device and check the TDC setting again

Install the removed parts in reverse order

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