Checking and replacing injectors of the Cummins ISF2.8 engine Gazelle Next
The fuel system uses electro-hydraulic injectors, the operation of which is controlled by an electronic control module

Replacing the coolant GAZelle Next
It is recommended to fill the cooling system with ES Comleat or Cool Stream Premium coolant

Replacing the cylinder head gasket Cummins ISF2.8 GAZelle NEXT
We replace the gasket due to a leak of coolant or engine oil at the junction of the block head with the cylinder block.

Cummins ISF2.8 Timing Chain Replacement
We replace the chain when it is stretched and remove it when repairing the engine.
To replace the chain, you need to remove the engine from the GAZelle NEXT car

Checking and replacing the injection pump of the Cummins ISF2.8 engine Gazelle Next
The high pressure fuel pump (TNVd) is driven by gears from the rear end of the crankshaft.
The pump housing also has a mechanical booster pump that draws fuel from the tank.

Design features of the ZMZ-402 engine
The general view and cross section of the engines are shown in the figures.
The engines are inline four-cylinder, equipped with carburetors and a contactless ignition system

VAZ-2112 engine design
VAZ-2112 engine Petrol, four-stroke, four-cylinder, in-line, transverse, sixteen-valve, with two camshafts.
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