We replace the gasket due to a leak of coolant or engine oil at the junction of the block head with the cylinder block.

To replace the cylinder head gasket, the engine must be removed, as the timing chain must be removed.

Access to the gas distribution mechanism on the engine installed on the car is not possible.

To do the job, you will need tools: heads for 8,10, 15, 16, a torque wrench, an extension cord, a wrench, a set of screwdrivers, a set of flat feelers, a metal ruler, a stopper for fixing the pulley.

Preparing the car for work.

Removing the engine.

Recirculation valve with heat exchanger

Remove the gas recirculation valve assembly with the heat exchanger.

Remove the turbocharger.

Cylinder head gasket replacement Cummins ISF2.8 GAZelle NEXT

Remove the head cover (article - Replacing Cummins ISF2.8 cylinder head cover gasket).

Setting the piston of the first cylinder to TDC of the compression stroke Setting the TDC of the first cylinder Cummins ISF2.8.

Cylinder head gasket replacement Cummins ISF2.8 GAZelle NEXT

We unscrew the five bolts securing the crankcase cover of the gas distribution drive

Cylinder head gasket replacement Cummins ISF2.8 GAZelle NEXT

Remove the cover

Cylinder head gasket replacement Cummins ISF2.8 GAZelle NEXT

Remove the gasket. When installing, you need to replace the gasket

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We unscrew the two bolts securing the cover of the hydraulic chain tensioner

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Remove the cover

Cylinder head gasket replacement Cummins ISF2.8 GAZelle NEXT

Remove the hydraulic tensioner plunger

We fix the chain by tying it with wire

Cylinder head gasket replacement Cummins ISF2.8 GAZelle NEXT

Weaken the bolt securing the drive disk and the camshaft sprocket, keeping the shaft from turning.

Cylinder head gasket replacement Cummins ISF2.8 GAZelle NEXT

We completely unscrew the bolt securing the drive disk of the phase sensor and the camshaft sprocket

Cylinder head gasket replacement Cummins ISF2.8 GAZelle NEXT

After unscrewing the bolt securing the timing sensor drive disk and the camshaft sprocket, the crankshaft and camshaft must not be rotated so as not to disturb the valve timing.

Replacing the cylinder head gasket Cummins ISF2.8 GAZelle NEXT

Removing the disc

Cylinder head gasket replacement Cummins ISF2.8 GAZelle NEXT

Remove the sprocket and chain from the camshaft shank

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Remove the spacer so as not to lose it

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Fix the timing chain with the sprocket on the engine

Remove the thermostat housing

Cylinder head gasket replacement Cummins ISF2.8 GAZelle NEXT

Loosen the bolt securing the damper of the timing chain drive to the head of the block

Cylinder head gasket replacement Cummins ISF2.8 GAZelle NEXT

And unscrew the bolt.

Cylinder head gasket replacement Cummins ISF2.8 GAZelle NEXT

We unscrew the two bolts securing the timing gear housing to the flywheel housing

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The location of the bolts fastening the crankcase of the timing drive

Cylinder head gasket replacement Cummins ISF2.8 GAZelle NEXT

We unscrew the bolts of fastening of all rocker arms

Cylinder head gasket replacement Cummins ISF2.8 GAZelle NEXT

Removing the bolts

Cylinder head gasket replacement Cummins ISF2.8 GAZelle NEXT

Remove the rocker

Cylinder head gasket replacement Cummins ISF2.8 GAZelle NEXT

Retrieving pushers

Cylinder head gasket replacement Cummins ISF2.8 GAZelle NEXT

Remove the supports of the rocker axles

Cylinder head gasket replacement Cummins ISF2.8 GAZelle NEXT

We unscrew the ten bolts of the cylinder block

Cylinder head gasket replacement Cummins ISF2.8 GAZelle NEXT

The location of the cylinder head bolts in Figure 27

We untie the camshaft sprocket with the chain from the block head and remove the head with the intake pipe, exhaust manifold and vacuum pump, keeping the timing chain taut.

After removing the cylinder head, we immediately fix the gas distribution drive chain separating the wire in a taut state so that it does not fall off the crankshaft sprocket.

Cylinder head gasket replacement Cummins ISF2.8 GAZelle NEXT

Remove the cylinder head gasket

We inspect the mating surfaces of the head and cylinder block.

Cylinder head gasket replacement Cummins ISF2.8 GAZelle NEXT

We clean the mating surfaces from the remnants of the old gasket.

Cylinder head gasket replacement Cummins ISF2.8 GAZelle NEXT

Check the cylinder head for warping.

We place a ruler with an edge on the surface of the head, first in the middle along, then diagonally, and in all positions of the ruler we measure the gap between the surface of the head and the ruler with a probe.

If the gap is greater than 0.05 mm, replace the head.

We remove the new gasket from the package immediately before installation.

We install a new gasket on the cylinder block with a sealing roller applied to the gasket up.

Install the cylinder head in reverse order, taking into account:

  • - remove oil or coolant from the threaded holes for the cylinder head bolts that got there after removing the head;
  • - lubricate the bolts with engine oil;
  • - we screw in the cylinder head mounting bolts and two bolts for fastening the gas distribution drive housing by hand, but without tightening it;
  • - tighten the bolts on a cold engine in the order shown in the figure ...
Cylinder head bolt tightening sequence
  • The first stage - we tighten the bolts with a torque of 60 Nm;
  • The second stage - we screw in the mounting bolts by 90˚;
  • Third step - tighten the mounting bolts 90˚.

Tighten the two bolts securing the timing gear housing to a torque of 4 Nm.

Install all parts in reverse order.

Adjusting valve clearances ISF2.8.

Install the engine on the car.


Removal and installation of elements of the Mazda 6 engine oil system

In the article, we will consider the removal of the oil pump, engine oil cooler

H4M Engine Disassembly Description

We install the engine on a stand for disassembly and assembly of units

Unscrew the oil drain plug and drain the oil from the crankcase

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