Springs are replaced if they have lost elasticity, on the coils of the springs there are traces of collision of the coils, or a complete breakdown. We replace shock absorbers if there is a leak of the working fluid and when the shock absorbers have lost their performance

Removing the rear shock absorbers

We place wheel chocks under the front wheels of the car and shift the gearshift lever into first gear (on the machine to the “P” position)

Remove the wheel

Replacement of shock absorbers and rear suspension springs Hyundai Solaris

We install supports under the rear suspension beam and lower the car, slightly loading the suspension

Replacement of shock absorbers and rear suspension springs Hyundai Solaris

We unscrew the nut of the lower shock absorber mounting to the bracket on the rear suspension beam

Replacement of shock absorbers and rear suspension springs Hyundai Solaris

Remove the bolt

Replacement of shock absorbers and springs of the rear suspension of Hyundai Solaris

Remove the lower part of the shock absorber from the bracket

Replacement of shock absorbers and rear suspension springs Hyundai Solaris

Unscrew the shock absorber upper mounting bolt

Replacement of shock absorbers and rear suspension springs Hyundai Solaris

Remove the bolt and remove the shock absorber from the car

Replacement of shock absorbers and rear suspension springs Hyundai Solaris

Install the shock absorber in reverse order

In the same way, we replace the second shock absorber. Shock absorbers need to be changed in pairs.

Replacing the rear suspension spring

Replacement of shock absorbers and springs for Hyundai Solaris rear suspension

Spring compressor tool required

We place wheel chocks under the front wheels of the car and shift the gearshift lever into first gear (on the machine to the “P” position)

Raise the rear of the car, set it on reliable stops and remove the wheel

Hyundai Solaris Rear Suspension Shock Absorbers and Springs Replacement

Remove the shock absorber from the lower mounting bracket

Replacement of shock absorbers and rear suspension springs Hyundai Solaris

Install the spring compressor and compress the spring

Replacement of shock absorbers and rear suspension springs for Hyundai Solaris

Remove the spring along with the spacers

Hyundai Solaris Rear Suspension Shock Absorbers and Springs Replacement

Remove the upper spring spacer

Hyundai Solaris rear suspension shock absorbers and springs replacement

Remove the lower spring spacer

Replacement of shock absorbers and rear suspension springs for Hyundai Solaris

We unscrew the bolt securing the spring compression buffer (if necessary)

Replacement of shock absorbers and rear suspension springs for Hyundai Solaris

And remove the compression stroke buffer (if necessary)

On the other hand, remove the spring in the same way

We install the springs in the reverse order, taking into account that the ends of the springs from above and below rest against special stops on the gaskets.

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