We replace the belt after 60 thousand kilometers of the car or four years of the calendar life.

At every maintenance, the condition of the belt should be checked.

The drive scheme of auxiliary units depends on the vehicle equipment, whether air conditioning is installed on the vehicle or not.

The belt tension is adjusted by the automatic tensioner.

To check and replace the belt, we install the car on an inspection ditch or lift.

We install wheel chocks under the rear wheels.

Put the car on the parking brake. We loosen the bolts of the front right wheel.

Raise the front of the car and remove the right front wheel.

We remove the mudguard of the engine compartment (article - Removing the protection of the engine, wheel arch liners and mudguards Renault Duster)

We unscrew three self-tapping screws securing the right wheel liner to the front bumper and one self-tapping screw securing the fender liner to the wing.

Checking and replacing the Renault Duster accessory belt

We bend the front part of the fender liner and wind it behind the brake disc.

Checking and replacing the Renault Duster accessory belt

With a head of 18, we scroll the crankshaft by the bolt securing the accessory drive pulley clockwise and inspect the belt along its entire length. If cracks or other defects are found on the belt, we replace the belt.

Replacing the rollers and the accessory drive belt on the 2.0L engine

Fig. 3. Scheme of the drive of auxiliary units with air conditioning: 1 - drive pulley, 2 - tension roller, 3 - power steering pump pulley, 4 - belt, 5 - alternator pulley, 6 - support roller, 7 - air conditioning compressor pulley

Belt installation diagram is shown in Figure 3

Checking and replacing the Renault Duster accessory belt

We put a 16 spanner wrench on the hexagon of the tensioner and turn the roller bracket clockwise

Checking and replacing the Renault Duster accessory belt

Remove the belt from the pulleys and remove the belt from the engine compartment

Marking of the drive belt for auxiliary units with air conditioning 7RK 1792

Checking and replacing the Renault Duster accessory belt

Belt length 1792 mm.

To replace the belt idler:

Checking and replacing the Renault Duster accessory belt

With a 13 head, unscrew the roller mounting bolt

Checking and replacing the Renault Duster accessory belt

Remove the roller with its fastening bolt

Checking and replacing the Renault Duster accessory belt

Remove the bolt and roller cover from the roller

Checking and replacing the Renault Duster accessory belt

By rotating the roller, we determine the condition of the bearing

The roller should rotate silently, evenly, without jamming.

To replace the idler roller:

Checking and replacing the Renault Duster accessory belt

Use the TorxT40 key to unscrew the roller fastening screw

Checking and replacing the Renault Duster accessory belt

Remove the tension roller and roller cover

If necessary, then remove the tensioner for this:

Checking and replacing the Renault Duster accessory belt

With a 16 head, unscrew the tensioner fastening bolt

Checking and replacing the Renault Duster accessory belt

Remove the tensioner assembly with the roller

When installing the tensioner, lug 1 on the tensioner must fit into groove 2 of the accessory mounting bracket.

Fig. 15. Tensioner: 1 - tensioner roller, 2 - hexagon, 3 - roller bracket, 4 - spring, 5 - tensioner base

Install all parts in reverse order. We install the belt in accordance with the diagram in Figure 3.

Replacing the rollers and the accessory drive belt on a 1.6L engine

Marking of the auxiliary drive belt for the K4M 6RK 1822 engine with air conditioning.

fig. 16. Scheme of the drive of auxiliary units with an air conditioning compressor: 1 - auxiliary drive pulley, 2 - tension pulley, 3 - power steering pump pulley, 4 - alternator pulley, 5 - support roller, 6 - belt, 7 - air conditioning compressor pulley</figcaption >

We loosen the belt tension, put a 15 key or a 15 head on the tension roller mounting bolt from the bottom of the car.

Checking and replacing the Renault Duster accessory belt

Turn the roller bracket clockwise and loosen the belt

Checking and replacing the Renault Duster accessory belt

Remove the belt from the support roller

Checking and replacing the Renault Duster accessory belt

Remove the accessory drive belt from the pulleys

Checking and replacing the Renault Duster accessory belt

To remove the support roller, use a wrench to unscrew its fastening bolt

Checking and replacing the Renault Duster accessory belt

Remove the outer cover of the roller

Checking and replacing the Renault Duster accessory belt

Remove the support roller

Checking and replacing the Renault Duster accessory belt

Remove the inner cover

Checking and replacing the Renault Duster accessory belt

To remove the tensioner with a 10 head, unscrew two bolts

Remove the tensioner assembly with the roller

Checking and replacing the Renault Duster accessory belt

Install all parts in reverse order.

We put the belt on the pulleys, and wind it under the tension and support rollers in accordance with the diagram.

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