In the article, we will consider replacing the pads, caliper and disc of the rear wheels of a car

Replacing rear wheel pads

We prepare the car and remove the rear wheel from the side of the work performed

Check that the parking brake lever is fully down

Repair of rear wheel brake mechanisms Mazda 6

We remove the tip of the rear parking brake cable from the slot of the expanding lever

Repair of rear wheel brake mechanisms Mazda 6

We insert a screwdriver between the inner brake pad and the piston of the working cylinder and push the piston into the cylinder

Repair of rear wheel brake mechanisms Mazda 6

Repair of rear wheel brake mechanisms Mazda 6

Unscrew the upper guide pin and remove it from the hole in the guide shoe

Repair of rear wheel brake mechanisms Mazda 6

Lower the caliper down

Repair of rear wheel brake mechanisms Mazda 6

Remove the spring clip

Repair of rear wheel brake mechanisms Mazda 6

Remove the outer and inner brake pads

Repair of rear wheel brake mechanisms Mazda 6

Checking the condition of the protective rubber covers of the guide pins

Repair of rear wheel brake mechanisms Mazda 6

Using circlip pliers, screw the piston into the caliper cylinder

Install the brake pads in reverse order

Before installation, lubricate the guide pins with an anaerobic threadlocker

We press the brake pedal several times to bring the brake pads to the disc

Installing the wheel

In the same way, we replace the brake pads of the other wheel

Check the brake fluid level, top up if necessary

Replacing the rear wheel caliper

Repair of rear wheel brake mechanisms Mazda 6

Remove the cap of the master cylinder reservoir and pump out the brake fluid from the reservoir

Remove the wheel from the side of the caliper to be replaced

Checking that the parking caliper lever is lowered all the way down

We substitute a container to drain the rest of the brake fluid from the hose and the working cylinder of the caliper

Repair of rear wheel brake mechanisms Mazda 6

Repair of rear wheel brake mechanisms Mazda 6

Unscrew the bolt-fitting and disconnect the brake hose from the caliper

Repair of rear wheel brakes Mazda 6

We remove the tip of the rear parking brake cable from the slot of the expanding lever

Repair of rear wheel brake mechanisms Mazda 6

We unscrew the two bolts securing the guide pads to the fist

And remove the caliper assembly from the pad guide

Remove the second wheel caliper in the same way

Repair of rear wheel brake mechanisms Mazda 6

Left and right rear brake calipers are marked

Repair of rear wheel brake mechanisms Mazda 6

Install the caliper and all parts in reverse order

After installation, we restore the level of the brake fluid and bleed the brake system

If necessary, adjust the parking brake drive

Replacing the rear wheel brake disc

Minimum allowable rear wheel disc thickness 8.0 mm

Remove the wheel from the side of the work being done

Repair of rear wheel brake mechanisms Mazda 6

Remove the caliper and, without disconnecting the brake hose and parking brake cable, fix the caliper with wire

Repair of rear wheel brake mechanisms Mazda 6

Remove the brake disc

Repair of rear wheel brake mechanisms Mazda 6

Install the disc in reverse order, cleaning the mating surfaces of the hub and disc

In the same way, we replace the disk on the other side

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