On-board DC vehicle network with a nominal voltage of 12 V

Electrical equipment is made according to a single-wire circuit: the negative terminals of sources and consumers of electricity are connected to the "ground" - the body and power unit of the car, which act as a second wire.

Scheme is divided into two parts. Each scheme corresponds to the numbering of the parts included in the scheme.

Notations on the diagram: 1 - generator; 2 - air conditioner compressor; 3 - cooling system fan; 4 - additional resistor; 5 - starter; 6 - battery; 7 - absolute air pressure sensor; 9 - coolant temperature sensor; 10 - crankshaft position sensor; 11 - intake air temperature sensor; 12 - adsorber purge valve; 13 - control oxygen concentration sensor; 14 - block connection with the wiring harness of the control oxygen concentration sensor; 15 - diagnostic oxygen concentration sensor; 16 - block connection with the wiring harness of the diagnostic oxygen concentration sensor; 17 - ignition coils;

Wiring diagram continued for mechanical damper motor

18 - spark plugs; 19 - nozzles; 20 - throttle position sensor; 21 - idle speed regulator; 22 - knock sensor; 23 - refrigerant pressure sensor; 24 - pressure sensor in the power steering system; 25 - insufficient oil pressure sensor; 26 - reverse light switch; 28 - electronic engine control unit (controller); 29 - fuse box and relay in the engine compartment; 30 - high speed relay of the cooling fan; 31 - low speed relay for the cooling system fan; 32 - air conditioner compressor relay; 33 - relay of the fuel pump and ignition coils; 34 - main relay; 35, 36 - fuses in the relay and fuse box in the engine compartment; 37- block connection with body wiring harness

A diagram of the rear of the body wiring harness is located in the article - Nissan Almera Body Rear Wiring Diagram


Replacing the brake fluid and pumping the brakes Renault Sandero

We replace the fluid in the hydraulic brake and clutch drives every 90 thousand kilometers or after three years.

How to replace the hub of the Hyundai Solaris rear wheel

Replace the rear wheel hub when the hub bearing is worn.

We replace the hub assembly with the bearing, since it is very difficult to replace the hub bearing and there is practically no point

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