Disassembling the engine for overhaul.

Usually, an overhaul of the engine is required with a large motor resource, with a decrease in oil pressure and a decrease in compression in the engine cylinders

Removing attachments of the engine, the removal of which we will consider in separate articles.

Removing the generator, starter, block head cylinders, water pump, upper clutch housing cover.

Disassembly of the VAZ-2112 engine

With a key or a 10 head, we unscrew the sixteen bolts of the pallet

Disassembly of the VAZ-2112 engine

Remove the oil pan along with the gasket

Disassembly of the VAZ-2112 engine

We unscrew the two bolts securing the oil receiver to the cover of the crankshaft support

Disassembly of the VAZ-2112 engine

Unscrew the bolt to the oil pump

Disassembly of the VAZ-2112 engine

Remove the receiver tube from the oil pump and remove the oil receiver

Disassembly of the VAZ-2112 engine

If the O-ring is damaged, it must be changed

Disassembly of the VAZ-2112 engine

Pry off the toothed pulley with two screwdrivers

Disassembly of the VAZ-2112 engine

Remove the toothed pulley from the toe of the crankshaft

Disassembly of the VAZ-2112 engine

We unscrew the six bolts of the oil pump

Disassembly of the VAZ-2112 engine

Remove the oil pump

Disassembly of the VAZ-2112 engine

With a ring wrench or a 13 head, we unscrew the two bolts securing the generator bar and the bracket of the right engine mount

Disassembly of the VAZ-2112 engine

Remove the generator mounting bar

Disassembly of the VAZ-2112 engine

Disassembly of the VAZ-2112 engine

Remove the lower bolt of the right support

Disassembly of the VAZ-2112 engine

With a 15 head, unscrew the three bolts securing the generator bracket

Disassembly of the VAZ-2112 engine

Remove the right support bracket

Remove the generator bracket

Disassembly of the VAZ-2112 engine

Using a 10 wrench or a head, unscrew the two bolts securing the inlet pipe of the coolant pump

Disassembly of the VAZ-2112 engine

Remove the pipe and gasket

Disassembly of the VAZ-2112 engine

With a key or a 10 head, we unscrew the six bolts of the crankshaft rear oil seal holder

Disassembly of the VAZ-2112 engine

Remove the holder and gasket

Disassembly of the VAZ-2112 engine

With a head of 14, unscrew the nuts securing the connecting rod cover

Disassembly of the VAZ-2112 engine

Remove the connecting rod cover

Disassembly of the VAZ-2112 engine

Remove the bearing shell from the cover

Disassembly of the VAZ-2112 engine

With the wooden handle of the hammer we rest against the connecting rod and push the piston

Disassembly of the VAZ-2112 engine

On the other hand, we take out the piston with rings from the cylinder.

In the same way, we take out the other three pistons.

Disassembly of the VAZ-2112 engine

With special tongs, we unclench and remove the rings from the pistons.

If there are no tongs, then gently open the locks with your fingers and remove the compression rings one by one

Disassembly of the VAZ-2112 engine

Also remove the oil scraper ring

Disassembly of the VAZ-2112 engine

Remove the ring expander.

If the oil scraper ring is with discs, then remove the discs and expander.

Disassembly of the VAZ-2112 engine

Pry off the piston pin circlip with a screwdriver and remove it from the piston ring groove.

Disassembly of the VAZ-2112 engine

We also take out the second retaining ring.

Push out the piston pin with a mandrel and remove the piston from the connecting rod

Disassembly of the VAZ-2112 engine

With a 17 head, we unscrew ten bolts securing the crankshaft main bearing caps

Disassembly of the VAZ-2112 engine

Removing the lids

Disassembly of the VAZ-2112 engine

Pull out the liners from the roofnis

Disassembly of the VAZ-2112 engine

Removing the crankshaft

We put the engine parts in order on the racks and mark them in order to put everything in its place during assembly.

Disassembly of the VAZ-2112 engine

We take out the thrust half rings from the grooves of the middle main bearing support

Disassembly of the VAZ-2112 engine

Remove the main bearing shells from the beds of the cylinder block

Disassembly of the VAZ-2112 engine

Nozzles for piston cooling are pressed into the bed of the main bearing block

If the parts of the connecting rod and piston group are not damaged and slightly worn, they can be reused.

Therefore, when disassembling, you need to mark the parts so that they can be installed in their places during subsequent assembly

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