The engine must be thoroughly washed and cleaned after removal from the vehicle.
We install the engine on a stand or stand.
We prepare the necessary tool for disassembly
When disassembling, you need to mark the parts that will be used in the future.
The crankshaft, flywheel and clutch are balanced as an assembly, so they cannot be dismantled.
With a 10 head, we unscrew the six bolts securing the cylinder block cover and remove the cover along with the gasket.
Remove dipstick
Using a 12 key, we loosen the bolt of the upper fastening of the generator
Using a 13 key, unscrew the nut that secures the adjusting plate to the head of the block
Remove the plate from the head stud
We turn off with a 13 key the two nuts securing the extreme racks of the rocker arm axis
Using a 17 key, we evenly loosen and unscrew the four nuts securing the main racks of the rocker axis
Remove the rocker axle from the studs
We take out eight push rods and lay them out in order, so that later we can put them in their places
With a 19 head, we unscrew ten nuts securing the head of the block in the reverse tightening sequence

Remove the tips of high-voltage wires and turn out the spark plugs.
Disconnect the hose from the fine fuel filter.
Disconnect the vacuum corrector hose of the ignition distributor sensor from the carburetor.
Remove the head from the cylinder block studs.
Remove the cylinder head gasket
Turn the engine over with the pallet up and with a 13 key, unscrew the eighteen nuts securing the pallet.
Curly washers are installed under the corner nuts of the pallet fastening
Remove the front and back of the gasket from the pallet
Remove the side parts of the gasket from the block
Seals cannot be reused.
All gaskets are sold in repair kits.
Using a 12-head with an extension, unscrew the two fuel pump mounting bolts
Remove the fuel pump
There is a gasket between the pump and the unit
Use a 24 key to unscrew the bolt and disconnect the tube from the oil filter housing
Using a 13 key, we unscrew the four nuts securing the oil filter
Remove the oil filter
With a 14 key, we unscrew six nuts and two bolts securing the clutch housing
Remove the clutch housing
With a 24 key, turn off and remove the oil cooler tap and oil pipe
Use a 12 key to unscrew the fitting and remove the oil level indicator tube
Remove the timing gear cover for this:
Use a 46 socket wrench to turn off the ratchet
With a 12 head, we unscrew the six bolts securing the pulley
Remove the crankshaft pulley
Using a three-fingered puller, we tighten the pulley hub
Using a 13 key, we unscrew the eight nuts securing the front cover
Remove the timing gear cover
Using a 13 key, we unscrew the two nuts securing the cover of the pusher box.
Remove the cover of the pushers
We take out eight valve lifters and mark them or put them in order
Using a beard we knock out the key
Remove the oil deflector from the crankshaft
With a head of 12, through the hole in the gear, unscrew the bolts of the thrust flange
We take out the camshaft together with the gear
We fix the sleeves from falling out with the help of suitable bushings, washers and nuts
If you do not fix the cylinder liners, then with a possible crankshaft cranking, they can rise due to friction against their piston mirrors.
Scale particles from the water jacket will get under the landing shoulders of the liners, and when assembling the engine, the liners will not sit tightly in place, which will lead to leakage of coolant into the oil sump.
Turn over the cylinder block.
With a 13 head, we unscrew the two nuts securing the oil pump
Remove the oil pump
Using an 8 hexagon, unscrew the two nuts securing the stuffing box holder
Remove the rear bearing oil seal holder
With a head of 15, we unscrew the two nuts of the connecting rod cover
Remove the connecting rod cover
Squeeze the piston out of the cylinder with the wooden handle of the hammer.
We also take out the rest of the pistons.
Head 19. unscrew the two nuts securing the main bearing cap
Remove the main bearing cap. We also remove the remaining main bearing caps.
Remove the crankshaft from the block
Unscrew the device holding the shells and take them out. Marking sleeves
After that, we wash all the parts and prepare them for fault detection