We install the engine on a stand for disassembly and assembly of units
Unscrew the oil drain plug and drain the oil from the crankcase

Loosen the water pump pulley bolts by blocking the water pump pulley with a screwdriver
(If you hold the drive belt, you can not block the pulley)
Unscrew the bolts with a 10 head and remove the pulley
Disconnect the heating hoses from the throttle with pliers
Disconnect the throttle pipe heating hoses from the coolant outlet pipe and remove the hoses from the engine
Remove the crankcase ventilation tube
Remove the intake module assembly with the throttle pipe and gaskets
Using an 8 socket, remove the wiring harness bracket
With the help of heads for 8 and 10, we remove the protective screen of the fuel rail
Disconnect the pads from the ignition coils
Disconnect the injector wire blocks from the fuel injectors and remove the harness from the engine
With a head of 8, unscrew the bolts securing the ignition coils and remove the coils
Using a 14-inch spark plug wrench, unscrew the spark plugs
With a 10 head, unscrew the mounting bolt and remove the phase sensor
With a head of 8, unscrew the fastening bolt and remove the solenoid valve of the phase regulator
Using a clamshell grip, remove the oil level indicator tube
With a head of 8, unscrew the bolts and remove the cylinder head cover
Set the TDC of the compression stroke in the first cylinder, for this:
Turn the crankshaft clockwise until mark 1 (Figure 2) of the crankshaft pulley and mark 2 on the timing cover are aligned

In this case, the marks of the camshaft phase regulator 1 and the intake camshaft sprocket 2 should be located as shown in the figure

If this is not the case, turn the crankshaft one more turn until the marks on the crankshaft pulley and on the timing cover are aligned

Installing the flywheel retainer 67.7820-9708 or 0000143100
With a 19 head, unscrew the mounting bolt and remove the crankshaft pulley

Using a slotted screwdriver and a flat wood or plywood thrust plate, remove the crankshaft front oil seal as shown

Use the TORX E20 head to unscrew the mounting bolts and remove the flywheel and flywheel retainer
Using a screwdriver, remove the crankshaft rear oil seal
Using heads 8, 10, 13, unscrew the bolts securing the timing cover

Carefully remove the timing cover as shown in the pictures

Checking the position of links 1 (figure), the timing chain relative to marks 2 on the crankshaft sprocket, camshaft sprocket and phase regulator
The difference in the position of the chain links relative to all three marks must be the same

We sink the plunger of the chain tensioner into the tensioner body by pressing the shoe 1
We fix the plunger by installing a piece of steel wire 2 with a diameter of 2.5 mm into the hole in the tensioner body
With a head of 8, unscrew the mounting bolts and remove the tensioner, preventing the plunger from unlocking
Remove the timing chain tensioner shoe
With a head of 10, unscrew the mounting bolts and remove the timing chain damper
Remove the timing chain from the engine

Turn tensioner 1 (figure), oil pump drive chain counterclockwise
Remove the oil pump drive chain tensioner from the shaft and tensioner spring 2 from the cylinder block

Using a 10 wrench and a TORX E8 head, unscrew the nut 1 of the oil pump drive sprocket
Remove the sprocket 2 of the oil pump drive with the chain 3 of the pump assembly
Using a universal puller, remove the crankshaft sprocket
With a head of 10, unscrew the three mounting bolts and remove the oil pump from the cylinder block
We unscrew the four bolts securing the water pump, remove the water pump and gasket
With a 10 head, unscrew the two bolts securing the generator and remove the generator from the engine
We unscrew the three bolts securing the air conditioning compressor and remove the compressor from the engine
We unscrew the four bolts securing the bracket of auxiliary units and remove the bracket

With a 12 head, we unscrew the two bolts 1 (figure), fastening the thermostat cover, remove the clip for fastening the oil level indicator tube, the thermostat cover 2 and remove the thermostat valve from the cylinder block

With a head of 10, unscrew the bolt 1 (figure), fastening the knock sensor and remove the sensor 2
Using a 22 key, we unscrew oil pressure sensor 3 from the cylinder block

Unscrew and remove the oil filter with a special key
Using a 19 spanner wrench, we unscrew the temperature sensor from the coolant outlet pipe
With a head of 10, unscrew the seven bolts securing the coolant outlet pipe, remove the pipe and gasket
Unscrew the crankshaft position sensor mounting bolt, and remove the sensor
We unscrew the bolts securing the thermal screen of the upper intake manifold and remove the screen
Using a 22 wrench, unscrew the oxygen sensor from the exhaust manifold
With a head of 10, unscrew the five nuts securing the exhaust manifold, remove the manifold and gasket
We unscrew the bolts securing the heat shield of the lower exhaust manifold and disconnect the screen from the manifold

Using a 22 wrench and a 13 head, unscrew the bolts securing the phase regulator and camshaft sprocket, holding the camshafts with a wrench
Remove phase regulator 1 (picture) and sprocket 2
With a head of 8, we unscrew the nineteen bolts securing the camshaft bearing caps, and remove the caps
Remove the camshafts
Using a 10 socket socket, unscrew the ten cylinder head bolts, remove the washers, cylinder head and gasket

With a head of 8, unscrew the eight bolts securing the oil sump cover and remove the cover
With a head of 10, unscrew ten bolts securing the cylinder block amplifier

Carefully separate the cylinder block booster with a screwdriver, as shown in the picture

Remove the O-ring from the cylinder block
With a head of 11, unscrew the bolts securing the connecting rod caps and remove the caps
Remove the pistons with connecting rods from the cylinder block from the side of the cylinder head
When removing the pistons, take care not to damage the grease nozzles
Using a TORX E14 head, unscrew the bolts of the crankshaft main bearing caps and remove the caps
Remove the crankshaft and thrust washers
After removing the half rings, you need to mark their position relative to the cylinder block
Using a Torx T40 head, unscrew the three bolts securing the crankshaft positioning disk and remove the disk
After removing all engine parts, we wash, defect and prepare for assembly