The steering mechanism is removed for replacement or repair, to replace steering rods or damaged protective covers.

We install the car on a viewing hole or a lift.

We put on the parking brake and install wheel chocks under the rear wheels.

Set the steering wheel to the position of the rectilinear movement of the car.

Removing and installing the Gazelle Next steering gearRemoving and installing the Gazelle Next steering gear

In the engine compartment, we unscrew the coupling bolt of the terminal connection of the upper and lower intermediate shafts

We press out the pins of the ball ends of the steering rods from the bosses of the swing arms

Removing and installing the Gazelle Next steering gearRemoving and installing the Gazelle Next steering gear

We unscrew the nuts securing the pipelines and take the pipelines to the side.

We plug the holes of the tubes and the mechanism with suitable plugs or cellophane.

We unscrew the two bolts securing the steering mechanism to the cross member and remove the bolts

Removing and installing the Gazelle Next steering gearRemoving and installing the Gazelle Next steering gear

We unscrew the nut of the lower bolt of the steering bracket to the front suspension crossbar

Keep the bolt from turning with the second key

Removing and installing the Gazelle Next steering gearRemoving and installing the Gazelle Next steering gear

We remove the bolt from the hole of the bracket and the crossbar. We also unscrew the nut of the upper bolt and remove the bolt

We unscrew the coupling bolt of the terminal connection of the lower intermediate shaft and the steering gear shaft and disconnect the intermediate shaft from the mechanism

Install the parts in reverse order.

Removing and installing the Gazelle Next steering gear

When installing the steering gear, make sure that the rack is in the middle (neutral) position.

Align the marks on the steering gear housing (injection mold connector mark) and on the pinion shaft shank cover (protrusion).

The tightening torque of the steering gear mounting bolts is 110–125 Nm, the steering gear mounting bracket bolt nuts are 22–25 Nm, the terminal bolts of the intermediate shafts and the intermediate shaft with the steering gear shaft shank are 26–30 Nm.

We remove air from the hydraulic system (article - Replacing and pumping fluid into the power steering Gazelle Next).

Check and, if necessary, adjust the angles of the front wheels.


Replacing the camshaft seals of the K4M engine

We replace the camshaft seals when repairing the cylinder head and when oil leaks from under the seal

How to remove the radiator of the UAZ-3151, -31512, -31514, -31519 engine

Remove the radiator for replacement or repair

We prepare the car for repair and install it on a lift or a viewing ditch

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