In the article, we will consider disassembling the generator and replacing the elements of the generator

We prepare the car for the task and remove the generator, as described in the previous article

Repair of UAZ vehicle alternator

Repair of UAZ vehicle alternator

We unscrew the screw securing the capacitor with a screwdriver and remove the capacitor

Repair of UAZ vehicle alternator

Repair of UAZ vehicle alternator

We unscrew the “+” output nut with a 10 key and remove the insulating sleeves from the output

Repair of UAZ vehicle alternator

Using a screwdriver, unscrew the two screws securing the rear cover cover

Repair of UAZ car alternator

Raise the cover

Remember the order of connecting wires

Repair of UAZ vehicle alternator

Repair of UAZ vehicle alternator

Disconnect wires from terminals

Repair of UAZ vehicle alternator

We unscrew the nut with a 10 key and remove the terminal with an insulating sleeve from the cover

Repair of UAZ vehicle alternator

Using a Phillips screwdriver, unscrew the two screws securing the voltage regulator

Repair of UAZ car generator

We take out the regulator and unscrew the two screws securing the contact group

Repair of UAZ vehicle alternator

Remove the voltage regulator

Repair of UAZ vehicle alternator

Repair of UAZ vehicle alternator

Unscrew the screw securing the brush holder with a screwdriver and remove it

Repair of UAZ vehicle alternator

We unscrew the “+” output extension with a 10 key

UAZ car alternator repair

For assembly, mark the position of the covers and the stator of the generator

Repair of UAZ vehicle alternator

UAZ car generator repair

We unscrew the nuts of four bolts with a head for 10 and take out the bolts tightening the generator covers

Repair of UAZ vehicle alternator

Repair of UAZ car generator

With a mandrel or head with a diameter of 32 mm, we cut it with light blows, and then with two screwdrivers we pry and remove the back cover with the stator from the front cover

Repair of UAZ car generator

We unscrew the three nuts securing the stator leads to the rectifier unit with a head 8

Repair of UAZ car generator

Remove the stator from the cover

Repair of UAZ vehicle alternator

We remove three contact bolts from the cover

Repair of UAZ vehicle alternator

We unscrew the nut of the output "+" of the generator with a key 10

Repair of UAZ vehicle alternator

Repair of UAZ car generator

We take out the contact bolt with an insulating insert and take out the rectifier unit

Repair of UAZ car generator

Megaohmmeter check the stator windings for a short circuit

In the absence of a short circuit, the resistance tends to infinity

Repair of UAZ vehicle alternator

Check the winding for wire breaks

In the absence of a break, the winding resistance will be close to zero

Repair of UAZ car generator

Repair of UAZ vehicle alternator

In the same way, we check the rotor for the absence of a short circuit of the winding to ground and a break in the windings

We replace the defective rotor and stator

Repair of UAZ car generator

We check the valves of the rectifier unit with an ohmmeter, for this we connect the probes of the device to the terminals of the valves.

The valve (diode) has one-way conduction

A defective one usually passes current in both directions

In case of failure of one of its elements, we replace the rectifier unit as an assembly.

Repair of UAZ car generator

Unscrew the head on the 19 pulley nut, holding the pulley with a pipe wrench

Repair of the UAZ car generator AZ

Repair of UAZ vehicle alternator

We pull the pulley off the rotor shaft with a puller and remove the pulley with the impeller

Repair of UAZ car alternator

Knock the key out of the shaft with a beard

Repair of UAZ vehicle alternator

Remove the spacer

Repair of UAZ car generator

Using the “8” key, we unscrew the four nuts securing the bearing caps.

When assembling, the connections were locked - the ends of the screws were crumpled.

If the screws turn when unscrewing, it is necessary to re-tighten the nuts and file or saw off the crumpled ends with a hacksaw

In this case, new screws may be required during assembly

Repair of UAZ vehicle alternator

Remove the outer bearing cover

Repair of UAZ vehicle alternator

Repair of UAZ vehicle alternator

Using a mandrel or a head with an outer diameter of 40 mm, we knock out the bearing from the cover along with the rotor

Repair of UAZ car generator

We press the bearing from the rotor shaft with a puller

Repair of UAZ car generator

Remove the inner bearing cover with screws and spacer

Remove the rear rotor bearing with a puller similar to the front one

We clean all parts from dirt and coal dust, blow them with compressed air

Wipe heavily oiled contact rings with a cloth soaked in gasoline and clean with fine emery cloth

In case of severe wear, we grind the rings or replace the rotor.

Assemble the generator in the following order

Repair of UAZ car generator

With a suitable bushing or high head for 12, we press the rear bearing onto the rotor shaft

Repair of UAZ vehicle alternator

We install the front bearing in the generator cover, acting on the outer ring

Repair of UAZ vehicle alternator

Installing the bearing caps with screws

Repair of UAZ vehicle alternator

Putting a pulley under the cover, we lock the nuts, crushing the ends of the screws with a chisel

Repair of UAZ car alternator

Install a spacer bushing on the generator shaft

Repair of the UAZ car generator AZ

With a suitable piece of pipe or a head for 17, we press the bearing together with the cover onto the shaft

Next, we assemble the generator in reverse order

After assembly, the rotor should rotate, without jamming and clicking, and have no play

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