Check and adjust the wheel alignment angles on special stands according to the instructions for them.

Before adjusting the suspension, check:

  • - tire pressure;
  • - steering wheel free play;
  • - serviceability of front suspension and steering parts.

Curb weight vehicle wheel alignment

Parameter - Angle

Pitch angle +3˚±1˚

The difference in the angles of the left and right wheels when adjusting the longitudinal inclination of the axis of rotation, no more than 0˚30′

Camber angle of each wheel 0˚30′±30′

The difference between the angles of the left and right wheels when adjusting the camber, no more than 0˚30′

The angle of convergence of each wheel to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle 0˚0′-0˚7′

After the car is installed on the stand site (immediately before measuring the wheel alignment angles), it is necessary to "squeeze" the suspension by briefly applying a force of 60-70 kgf from top to bottom.

If the angles do not correspond to the values indicated in the table, they are adjusted in the following order:

  • - angle of longitudinal inclination of the axis of rotation of the wheels;
  • - camber angle;
  • - convergence angle.

Adjusting GAZelle Next front wheel alignment angles

The angle of longitudinal inclination of the axis of rotation is adjusted by changing the position of the front and rear adjusting bolts of the upper arm in the subframe brackets when they are rotated in different directions by the same number of marks (or parts of marks) on the eccentric washers.

Loosen the nuts of the adjusting bolts to make adjustments.

fig. 2. Direction of rotation of the adjusting bolts (front view)

The main condition for adjustment is to ensure the difference in angles is not more than 30 'between the left and right sides.

If it is impossible to set the longitudinal slope indicated in the table, only this condition is allowed.

The camber angle is adjusted by changing the position of the front and rear adjusting bolts of the upper arm in the subframe brackets when they are turned in one direction by the same number of marks (or parts of marks) on the eccentric washers (see table 2).

When turning only one adjusting bolt or both bolts in one or different directions, but for a different number of marks (or parts of marks), both the camber angle of the wheel and the angle of the longitudinal inclination of the axis of rotation of the wheel change.

After adjusting the longitudinal angle and camber angle, tighten the nuts of the adjusting bolts of the upper arms to a torque of 120-160 Nm.

Toe angle is adjusted separately for the left and right wheels.

Pre-set and lock the steering wheel in the middle position (the spokes are horizontal).

Adjusting GAZelle Next front wheel alignment angles

In this case, the steering mechanism should also be set to the middle position (mark "A" on the cover of the gear shaft should match the trace "B" of the injection mold connector on the distributor housing, a mismatch of no more than 2 mm is allowed).

We loosen the nuts "B" of the tip "A" and, by rotating the rods "C", set the required convergence.

Adjusting the GAZelle Next front wheel alignment angles

After the adjustment is completed, holding the rods "B" from turning, tighten the nuts "B" with a second wrench to a torque of 65-78 Nm.

Changing wheel alignment angles by turning adjusting bolts

Turn the adjusting bolt

one label

Change angle


wheel axis


camber angle


Front bolt

Rear Bolt


























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