The F4R engine solenoid valve and high voltage coil are mounted with one bolt

When the crankshaft speed is between 1500-4300 rpm, the electronic control unit supplies voltage to the solenoid valve.

After exceeding 4300 rpm, the power supply to the solenoid valve stops.

At the same time, the position of the phase regulator mechanism contributes to filling the cylinders at a high crankshaft speed.

In this position, the locking plunger blocks the mechanism.

The operation of the phase regulator and the solenoid valve is shown in Figure 1.

Phase regulator operation: 1 - phase regulator rotor, 2 - phase regulator gear, 3 - intake camshaft, 4 - electric phase regulator valve

At speeds up to 1500 rpm, the solenoid valve is not energized.

The mechanism is blocked by a plunger.

From the moment power is applied to the solenoid valve at a crankshaft speed of more than 1500 rpm, under the influence of oil pressure, the locking plunger moves away and releases the mechanism.

In the initial position, the solenoid valve is closed.

The valve opens the oil passage to control the phase regulator under the following conditions:

  • - crankshaft speed sensor is OK;
  • - camshaft position sensors are working;
  • - the injection system is working;
  • - after starting the engine;
  • - engine is not idling;
  • - battery voltage is greater than 11.4 V;
  • - coolant temperature above 30˚ С;
  • - the engine runs between 1500 - 4300 rpm;
  • - load greater than 87% (about 900 mbar).

When the solenoid valve is locked in the open position, the engine idling is unstable, the pressure in the intake pipe is increased.

More noisy engine operation is noted.

The engine may even stall (there have been cases of engine failure).

Removing the F4R engine dephaser solenoid valve

We remove the valve for replacement, as well as for cleaning the valve or for replacing the seal in the cylinder block cover.

Disconnect the negative battery terminal.

Replacing Renault Duster dephaser solenoid valve

We press the lock of the wiring harness block, disconnect the wiring block from the connector of the coil of the 4th cylinder

Replacing Renault Duster dephaser solenoid valve

Press the latch and disconnect the block from the valve connector

Replacing Renault Duster dephaser solenoid valve

Head 8 unscrew the valve bracket bolt

Replacing Renault Duster dephaser solenoid valve

Remove the valve from the hole in the cylinder head cover

The connection between the valve body and the cylinder head cover is sealed with an oil seal pressed into the cover socket.

Replacing Renault Duster dephaser solenoid valve

If the oil seal is damaged, we replace it.

Install the solenoid valve in reverse order.


How to replace sensors and switches of Hyundai Solaris car

In the article, we will consider the replacement of instrument panel switches and signaling sensors

Fault detection of the camshaft of the VAZ-2123 engine

Removing the camshaft was discussed in the article - "Dismantling the cylinder head» .

With increased wear of the camshaft in the engine, oil pressure may drop and valve knock may appear even with serviceable hydraulic lifters.

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