The parts of the connecting rod and piston group are divided into categories and are selected individually for each other

Assembly of the connecting rod and piston group of the ZMZ UAZ engine

The tolerance group marked with a letter and stamped on the piston crown must match the group indicated on the cylinder liner

Dimensional groups of pins, pistons and connecting rods

Diameter, mm Marking
Fingers Hole pin and connecting rod piston
In Piston Boss In the connecting rod hub
25.0000-24.9975 25.0000-24.9975 25.0000-24.9975 white I
24.9975-24.9950 24.9975-24.9950 25.0045-25.0020 green II
24.9950-24.9925 24.9950-24.9925 25.0020-24.9995 yellow III
24.9925-24.9900 24.9925-24.9900 24.9995-24.9970 red IV

The values of the diameters of the holes in the piston bosses, the connecting rod head and the outer diameters of the piston pin are divided into groups and are indicated by paint

Assembly of the connecting rod and piston group of the ZMZ UAZ engine

On the piston pin, the group is indicated by paint applied on its end face or inner surface

It must match the group indicated on the piston boss

On the connecting rod, the piston pin hole group is also marked with paint. It must either match or be adjacent to the finger of the group.

We check the correct selection of the connecting rod and piston pin in the following way

Assembly of the connecting rod and piston group of the ZMZ UAZ engine

The finger lubricated with engine oil should move in the connecting rod head under the force of the thumb, but not fall out of the sleeve

Assembly of the connecting rod and piston group of the ZMZ UAZ engine

On the side surface of the lower head of the connecting rod and the cover there is a serial number of the cylinder in which it was installed

Assembly of the connecting rod and piston group of the ZMZ UAZ engine

The numbers on the connecting rod cap and on the connecting rod itself must match and be on the same side

The connecting rods supplied as spare parts do not have such markings, therefore, before disassembling them, mark the connecting rods and caps in the same way as the factory ones so as not to turn over and confuse the caps during assembly

Heat the piston to a temperature of 60–80 °C. It is allowed to heat the piston in hot water

Assembly of the connecting rod and piston group of the ZMZ UAZ engine

We insert the connecting rod head between the piston bosses and the hammer through the mandrel or with a tool we press in the piston pin lubricated with engine oil

Assembly of the connecting rod and piston group of the ZMZ UAZ engine

Install retaining rings on both sides

Assembly of the connecting rod and piston group of the ZMZ UAZ engine

The protrusion on the connecting rod cap must be on the same side as the inscription "Front" on the piston

We carefully clean the seats of the sleeves from scale and corrosion

We replace the sealing copper washers of the cylinder liners with new ones

Assembly of the connecting rod and piston group of the ZMZ UAZ engine

We press the sleeves with light hammer blows through a wooden block

Assembly of the connecting rod and piston group of the ZMZ UAZ engine

Using a probe, we check the protrusion of the sleeve above the plane of the block, which should be 0.02-0.10 mm

We select piston rings for cylinders

Assembly of the connecting rod and piston group of the ZMZ UAZ engine

Alternately, we install the rings into the cylinder to a depth of 20–30 mm and measure the gaps with a probe

Compression rings should have a gap in the lock of 0.3–0.6 mm, oil scraper rings - 0.3–1.0 mm

If the pistons are not to be replaced, check the groove width with new piston rings

Assembly of the connecting rod and piston group of the ZMZ UAZ engine

We check the gap at several points around the piston circumference

The value of the side clearance for compression rings should be 0.050-0.082 mm, for the assembled oil scraper ring 0.135-0.335 mm

In worn cylinders, you can install rings of the nearest repair size and, if necessary, file the ends to obtain a gap of 0.3 mm

We put the rings on the piston, starting with the oil scraper ring

Assembly of the connecting rod and piston group of the ZMZ UAZ engine

Having opened the lock of the oil scraper ring expander, we install it in the lower groove of the ring, after which we bring the ends of the expander together

Assembly of the connecting rod and piston group of the ZMZ UAZ engine

We put an oil scraper ring on the expander with an inscription to the piston bottom

Angle between expander and ring locks 45°

Assembly of the connecting rod and piston group of the ZMZ UAZ engine

We install the lower compression ring with an inscription and a chamfer from the inside of the ring to the piston bottom

Assembly of the connecting rod and piston group of the ZMZ UAZ engine

Installing the top compression ring

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