Adjustment of the regulator is necessary after replacing the rear springs or the rear axle, as well as during the operation of the car

Put the equipped car on a flat horizontal surface

How to adjust and replace the UAZ brake pressure regulator

Using a 17 wrench, loosen the adjusting bolt locknut

How to adjust and replace the UAZ brake pressure regulator

We unscrew the adjusting bolt with a 10 key for two or three turns

We tighten the adjusting bolt until it touches the piston shank, after which we tighten the bolt by four more faces of the bolt head

How to adjust and replace the UAZ brake pressure regulator

Tighten the locknut with a 17 wrench while holding the adjusting bolt with a 10 wrench

Checking the correctness of the adjustment by observing the side of a sharply braking car

With a good regulator and correct adjustment, there should be some advance in blocking the front wheels relative to the rear

If there is no advance, we unscrew the adjusting bolt of the regulator by two edges and repeat the check of the wheel lock when the car is moving.

The pressure regulator housing has a control hole closed with a rubber plug.

The leakage of the working fluid from under this plug indicates the loss of tightness of the sealing elements inside the regulator.

In this case, replace the regulator assembly.

To replace the regulator, drain the brake fluid

How to adjust and replace the UAZ brake pressure regulator

We unscrew the fittings of the three brake pipes with a 12 wrench and disconnect them from the regulator

How to adjust and replace the UAZ brake pressure regulator

How to adjust and replace the UAZ brake pressure regulator

We unscrew the two bolts securing the regulator to the bracket and remove the regulator

How to adjust and replace the UAZ brake pressure regulator

If it is necessary to replace the levers, hold the bolt of the lever strut to the rear axle bracket with a 10 key, unscrew the nut and remove the bolt

How to adjust and replace the UAZ brake pressure regulator

Disconnecting the lever post from the rear axle bracket

How to adjust and replace the UAZ brake pressure regulator

Holding the bolts of the regulator bracket with a 12 wrench, unscrew their nuts with a 13 wrench and remove the bracket with levers

How to adjust and replace the UAZ brake pressure regulator

Install the bracket and regulator in reverse order, and then bleed the brake system


Replacement of the pump and thermostat of the Hyundai Solaris cooling system

We replace the coolant pump if there is a coolant leak or if there is increased noise during operation

Design features of the Hyundai Solaris rear suspension

The rear suspension is spring-loaded, semi-independent, with a transverse beam and hydraulic shock absorbers

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