Remove the transfer case for repair or replacement

We prepare the car and install it on a viewing ditch or lift

Drain the oil from the transfer case, as indicated in the article "Design features of the transfer case UAZ-3151, -31512, -31514, -31519"

Remove the left and right floor pads

Disconnect the speedometer drive, for this:

How to remove and install the transfer case of a UAZ car

Unscrew the nut fastening the shell of the flexible shaft of the speedometer drive

How to remove and install the transfer case of a UAZ car

We unscrew the drive mounting bolt with a 10 key

How to remove and install the transfer case of a UAZ car

Remove the mounting plate and take out the drive clutch

How to remove and install the transfer case of a UAZ car

Remove the drive gear

Remove the front and rear driveshafts

How to remove and install the transfer case of a UAZ car

Using a 13 wrench, unscrew the two nuts securing the exhaust pipe clamp to the gearbox bracket

How to remove and install the transfer case of a UAZ car

How to remove and install the transfer case of a UAZ car

Using a 12 key, unscrew the two bracket mounting bolts and remove it

How to remove and install the transfer case of a UAZ car

Disconnect the wire ends from the parking brake warning switch

How to remove and install the transfer case of a UAZ car

Using two 19 wrenches, loosen the adjusting nuts of the switch

How to remove and install the transfer case of a UAZ car

Remove the rubber buffer of the switch and, having unscrewed the nut, remove the switch

Disconnect the adjusting fork from the parking brake lever and, unscrewing the two bolts, remove the brake lever together with the rods

How to remove and install the transfer case of a UAZ car

How to remove and install the transfer case of a UAZ car

Using a 19 head and a 17 wrench, unscrew the nuts of the cross member bolts and remove the cross member

How to remove and install the transfer case of a UAZ car

How to remove and put the transfer case of the UAZ car

With a 17 key, unscrew the two bolts securing the transfer case to the gearbox on the right side, and with a 19 key, two nuts on the left side

How to remove and install the transfer case of a UAZ car

Tapping with a hammer through a wooden block and wringing out with a mounting spatula, remove the transfer case

How to remove and install the transfer case of a UAZ car

Remove the spacer

Install the transfer case in reverse order:

- we replace the sealing gasket between the transfer case and the gearbox, applying a layer of sealant to the gasket.

We turn on the direct gear in the transfer case with the lever, directing the drive gear by hand through the hole in the crankcase.

How to remove and install the transfer case of a UAZ car

With a 12 key, unscrew the four bolts securing the switching mechanism and remove the mechanism

How to remove and install the transfer case of a UAZ car

Install the intermediate washer. We “glue” the sealing gasket to the gearbox with a sealant.

Turning the parking brake drum, we put the transfer case on the studs and the secondary shaft of the gearbox.

We bait the bolts and nuts for fastening the transfer case.

Evenly tightening the bolts and nuts, we achieve the pressing of the outer ring of the bearing into the socket of the transfer case and the tight fit of the units to each other.

Install the removed parts in reverse order.

Pour transmission oil into the transfer case

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