We remove the engine for overhaul or to replace the engine

We install the car on a lift or a viewing ditch

Disconnect the negative terminal of the battery, then remove the positive terminal and remove the battery.

Drain the oil from the engine (article - Checking and changing the oil in the Nissan Almera engine)

Drain the coolant (article - Checking and replacing the Nissan Almera engine coolant)

We disconnect the air filter housing from the throttle assembly (see the article - Removing the throttle assembly of the K4M Nissan Almera engine)

Disconnect the intake pipe of the exhaust system from the exhaust manifold (see the article How to replace parts of the muffler system of a Nissan Almera car).

How to remove and install a Nissan Almera car engine

Removing the protection of the fuel rail (article - How to remove the fuel rail and nozzles of a Nissan Almera car).

How to remove and install a Nissan Almera car engine

Disconnect the tip of the fuel pipe from the fitting of the fuel rail.

On an engine with a mechanical throttle drive, disconnect the throttle cable from the throttle assembly lever and receiver (see "How to replace the throttle cable of a Nissan Almera car").

Disconnect the vacuum brake booster check valve pipe from the receiver fitting (see "Replacing the Nissan Almera brake and vacuum master cylinder").

How to remove and install a Nissan Almera car engine

On an engine with a mechanical throttle, we squeeze the two clamps and disconnect the canister purge pipe from the engine idle hose fitting

On an engine with an electronic throttle actuator, disconnect the fuel vapor supply pipe from the throttle assembly (see "Removing the throttle assembly of the K4M Nissan Almera engine").

Remove the power steering reservoir from the upper cross member of the radiator frame.

How to remove and install a Nissan Almera car engine

Using the 1Z head, we unscrew the bolt securing the power steering tube bracket to the cylinder block.

It is possible to dismantle the engine as an assembly with or without a power steering pump without disconnecting the power steering hydraulic drive.

In the first option, we disconnect the tube and hose from the pump (see "Removing the power steering pump of a Nissan Almera car"), draining the working fluid from them into a container.

In the second option, we unscrew the bolts securing the power steering pump to the engine bracket and, without disconnecting the tube and hose from the pump, we tie the pump to the upper cross member of the radiator frame with a cord or wire so that it does not interfere with the dismantling of the engine.

We remove the generator (see "Removing the generator of the K4M Nissan Almera engine").

We remove the starter (see "Removing and checking the starter K4M Nissan Almera").

We unscrew the bolts securing the air conditioning compressor to the bracket (see "How to remove the air conditioning compressor of a Nissan Almera car") and, without disconnecting the pipes of the air conditioning system, we take the compressor to the side and tie it up so that it does not interfere with the removal of the engine.

We remove the radiator of the cooling system (see "How to remove the radiator of a Nissan Almera car").

Disconnect the cooling system hoses from the cover and thermostat housing, as well as from the supply pipe of the coolant pump.

Disconnect the engine control harness connectors from the ignition coil connectors, idle speed controller (mechanical throttle engine) or throttle control unit (electronic throttle engine), fuel injectors, canister purge solenoid valve and sensors: oxygen concentration, knock, absolute pressure and intake air temperature, low oil pressure warning light, coolant temperature, crankshaft position, throttle position (mechanical throttle engine).

We take the wiring harnesses away from the engine.

Removing the core gear shifting (see "Removing the Nissan Almera gearbox").

Raise the hood and hold it upright.

We fix the chains of the lifting device by two eyelets located on the engine.

Having pulled the chains, we remove the stop from under the engine, which supported it when the gearbox was removed.

Remove the right support of the power unit (see "Replacing the supports of the power plant K4M Nissan Almera").

Before removing the engine, it is necessary to check once again that all hoses, pipes, wires are disconnected from the engine and set aside.

How to remove and install a Nissan Almera car engine

Using a lifting device, we lift and remove the engine from the engine compartment.

Install the engine on the car in reverse order.

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