Remove the accessory drive belt.
Remove the crankshaft pulley.
If a malfunction occurs during the operation of the bus (lighting up, flashing the diagnostic lamp of the "COMMON RAIL" system), it is necessary to diagnose the "COMMON RAIL" system using the diagnostic lamp and the diagnostic key and eliminate the identified malfunctions
Figure 1 shows a diagram of the Cummins ISF3.8 engine control system of the Valdai car
In the previous article, we covered the removal and installation of the engine cylinder head.
This article will describe how to check and repair the cylinder head of an ISF3.8 engine.
We replace the cylinder head gaskets when a coolant and oil leak appears in the connection between the cylinder head and the cylinder block.
In accordance with the maintenance regulations, we replace the auxiliary drive belt on a car equipped only with power steering every 60 thousand kilometers or
Installing pistons with connecting rods
Lubricate the tops of the cylinders and the crankpins with engine oil.
The engine oil pump is a conventional gear pump.
Adjustment of the clearances between the rocker arms and the valves is carried out on a cold engine, with the cylinder head fastening nuts and the nuts for fastening the rocker arm axle struts tightened to the required torque.
The crankshaft (Figure 1) is made of high-quality steel and has five main and four connecting rod necks connected by cheeks and mated by transition rods
In the article, we will consider checking and replacing parts and assemblies of the oil system of the Cummins ISF3.8 engine